The Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, has set up a special investigative team. This task force will probe the deaths that occurred during Ghana’s 2020 and 2024 elections. The goal is to ensure justice and accountability for the victims.
The task force, operating within the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), is mandated to:
Conduct Comprehensive Investigations: Examine the circumstances leading to the deaths during the specified elections.
Engage with Witnesses and Families: Interview eyewitnesses and families of the victims to gather pertinent information.
Review Security Personnel Conduct: Assess the actions of security forces deployed at the affected polling stations to identify any misconduct or oversight.
Utilize Forensic Analysis: Employ advanced forensic methods to analyze physical evidence from the scenes, including bullet casings and weaponry.
Collaborate with Electoral Bodies: Work alongside the Electoral Commission and civic organizations to contextualize the incidents within the broader electoral process.
President Mahama emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in this investigation, stating that the fatalities have left a “lasting scar” on Ghana’s democratic process.
The incidents under investigation include:
2020 Elections: Eight individuals lost their lives in various regions, including the Ashanti and Greater Accra Regions. Notable cases involved a 12-year-old girl who was killed during a confrontation at a polling station.
2024 Elections: Four confirmed deaths have raised significant concerns, prompting calls for impartial investigations. The Central and Eastern Regions were among the areas affected by these tragedies.
The IGP has assured the public of the police service’s commitment to conducting a thorough and impartial investigation, aiming to bring justice to the victims and their families while strengthening the integrity of Ghana’s electoral process.